Thursday, November 20, 2008

The God Box by Alex Sanchez

Title: The God Box
Author: Alex Sanchez
Location: YA Sanchez
Reading Level: Young Adult

Paul is not gay! He prays every night for God to take away the attraction he feels for guys and transfer it to his long-time girlfriend Angie. So far, Paul has done a pretty good job keeping his feelings in check, but then he meets Manuel. When openly gay Manuel comes on the scene, he challenges everything in which Paul and his conservative high school believe. Will Paul decide to suppress his feelings for Manuel and live the Christian lifestyle? Or can he choose to be both gay and Christian?
Alex Sanchez has written a thought-provoking story that demonstrates the struggles of gay religious teens. Paul is a likable character and the reader will cheer for him to find peace with his issues and learn to love himself. I think this is a wonderful book for all teens, but particularly for gay and straight religious teens who would find Sanchez’s reconciliation of sexual identity and religiosity encouraging.

The Bottom Line: I loved this book. It was a quick read with relatable characters. It presents well researched, intriguing arguments against the Christian position on homosexuality.

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